If you haven't registered for the My Parcel Locker service, the courier would have used your mobile phone number to lodge the parcel in the locker bank in your building, you may need to check your mobile phone number in your delivery details to check if the correct number has been supplied to the delivery service.

If you have signed up for the My parcel locker app, its possible a previous resident who was registered user of the My Parcel Locker system may still be listed as a resident of that apartment/unit and may have been mistakenly selected by the courier. Contact My Parcel Locker support to organise collection of your parcel if you suspect this has happened.

In some instances there may be a short lag between the time a carrier deposits a parcel into the parcel locker and when you receive your notification from the parcel locker system, if it has been quite some time please contact our support department to see if we can resend the delivery notification.

You can register for the My Parcel Locker service by following these instructions. 

Click here if you want to submit a new support ticket