Have a look at this instructional video and follow the steps below to complete the registration process for My Parcel Locker.

  1. Follow the registration process at mplocker.com or download the My Parcel Locker app from the Apple App Store or Google Play store.
  2. Open the My Parcel Locker user web page or app and use the "Register for Deliveries" button to create an account.
  3. Enter your details into the fields on the sign-up page
  4. Enter your verification code, (this code might be stuck on the back of your letter/mailbox door/hatch or with your building manager for your apartment/company )* Please see below if you can't locate the verification code.
  5. Add in the names of any other recipients you wish to have included on your account, please note that any deliveries for the names you list in this field will have their delivery notifications sent to the contact details you have already entered. If other residents of your unit/apartment want their own notifications it is recommended for them to register for their own My Parcel Locker accounts.
  6. Submit the information by using the "Sign Up" button, My Parcel locker will send out an email to verify your details, the registration process will also send you an SMS text message with a confirmation code which you will need to enter into the registration page, its important not to navigate off the SMS confirmation page until you have completed that process.
  7. Once you have verified, you will be able to log into the My Parcel Locker app with your email address and password.

*if you aren't able to locate your App Verification code you can send a copy of an official document showing your residence at your building (Proof of address). eg. Utility Bill, Bank Statement or rental agreement to support@myparcellocker.com and we will reply with the verification code.

If you need any assistance on signing up please contact My Parcel Locker support