The My Parcel Locker system uses a "Token" system to deduct and pay for any storage fees, please see the table below for the cost of the tokens.
Token quantity | Cost | Cost per token |
30 tokens | $30.00 | $1.00 |
10 tokens | $15.00 | $1.50 |
1 token | $ 2.50 | $2.50 |
Fees and user charges may vary from building to building. The fees/charges are outlined in your information pack. If you do not have a parcel locker information pack, please contact your building manager or call our helpline. The parcel storage fees are selected and approved by the Body Corporate/Building Management when the locker is purchased.
You can purchase My Parcel Locker tokens from the My Parcel Locker app or user portal by opening the side menu and selecting the "Top Up" option and selecting a token pack to purchase.
You can use My Parcel Locker without any cost if you collect your parcels within the free pick-up timeframe*
If your free collection timeframe lapses, the My Parcel Locker system will charge for each full 24-hour period on the anniversary of the parcel delivery time and if the parcel storage goes past the next anniversary time and then it is collected, the system will charge in full for the part-day storage.
If you anticipate this kind of situation may happen again, then you might be better off, purchasing a multi-token pack (Silver & Gold) which will decrease the overall cost of the tokens if there are multiple storage fees charged next time.
*the free collection period depends on your location.
**the fees and free collection timeframe are determined by your building management.