Watch the video guide:
Item collection:
Please note: you do not need to scan your library
card to use this system.
1. Open the QR code from the text
message by clicking on the short link
that looks like:
2. Scan the QR code at the reader
below the kiosk screen (alternatively
you can press the ‘Collect’ button
and type in your mobile phone
number and 6 digit access code,
also contained in your text message).
The locker with your item will open.
3. Collect your item and close the
locker door.
Item return:
1. Press the ‘Return’ button and scan the
Strathfield Library barcode that begins
with 'SL' for each item you want to return.
3. Once you have deposited all of your
items, close the locker door.
2. After you have scanned in the barcodes
for the items you wish to return, press
the ‘Finished Scanning’ button to
proceed and open the return locker.